An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Nansong yuanhua lu 南宋院畫錄

Mar 30, 2023 © Ulrich Theobald

Nansong yuanhua lu 南宋院畫錄 "Discourse on painting from the Southern Song court" is a book on painting compiled during the early Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Li E 厲鶚 (1692-1752), courtesy name Taihong 太鴻, style Fanxie Shanmin 樊榭山民, Xiongfei 雄飛, Xixi Yuzhe 西溪漁者 or Nanhu Huayin 南湖畫隱, from Qiantang 錢塘 (today's Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang). He was not only the author of books on art like Yutai huashi 玉臺畫史, but also interested in history, writing the supplement Liaoshi shiyi 遼史拾遺, and in poetry, as the author of the critical collection Songshi jishi 宋詩紀事 and the book Song zashi shi 宋雜事詩. His collected writings are called Fanxie Shanfang ji 樊榭山房集.

The book of 8 juan length was finished in 1721. The word Nansongyuan points at the imperial collection of art of the Southern Song dynasty 南宋 (1127-1279) that was assembled in the Imperial Painting Collection (Yuqian Huayuan 御前畫院). The paintings in the collection were called yuanhua 院畫 "court paintings". Great masters of the time were Li Tang 李唐 (1066-1150), Liu Songnian 劉松年 (d. 1225), Ma Yuan 馬遠 (1160-1225) and Xia Gui 夏珪 (c. 1180-c.1230), who all tried to revive the flourishing art style of the Xuanhe reign-period 宣和 (1119-1125) of the late Northern Song era 北宋 (960-1126).

Li's book was particularly dedicated to the masters of the early Southern Song period. It begins with a general introduction (Zongshu 總述) to describe the historical background of the object of his study. The main part discusses the artworks of nearly hundred masters who contributed paintings to the Imperial Collection. Only part of the text was written by Li himself, but he made use of a number of secondary literature all of which he diligently indicated. This is the main difference to the original book Xuanhe huapu 宣和畫譜 whose structure Li more or less imitated.

Li E's book is included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書, Wulin zhanggu congbian 武林掌故叢編, Meishu congshu 美術叢書 and Huashi congshu 畫史叢書. A modern edition was published in 1991 by the Shanghai Guji Chubanshe 上海古籍出版社.

Guo Jianping 郭建平, Zhang Zhen 張真 (2022). "Nansongyuan haulu yanjiu buyi 《南宋院畫錄》研究補遺", Meishu yu sheji 美術與設計, 2022 (1): 13-19.
Jian Neng 簡能 (2016). "Nansong yuanhua jiben wenxian yu tuxiang de jicheng: Nansong yuanhua lu jiaoshi tujian pingjia 南宋院畫基本文獻與圖像的集成——《南宋院畫錄校釋圖箋》評介", Meiyu xuekan 美育學刊, 2016 (3): 45.
Li Fanghong 李方紅 (2017). "Nansong yuanhua lu de neirong yu banben kaoshu 《南宋院畫錄》的内容與版本考述", Meishu yanjiu 美藝研究, 2017 (3): 50-52.
Li Fanghong 李方紅 (2021). "Li E Nansong yuanhua lu de huashi yiyi: Jian lun Zhibuzuzhai ben Nansongyuan haulu zhong er, san li ewu 厲鶚《南宋院畫錄》的畫史意義——兼論知不足齋本《南宋院畫錄》中二三例訛誤", Meishu yu sheji 美術與設計, 2021 (3): 63-67.
Li Fanghong 李方紅 (2021). "Bao Tingbo Nansong yuanhua lu jiaokan leixing kaoshu 鮑廷博《南宋院畫錄》校勘類型考述", Meishu daguan 美術大觀, 2021 (5): 40-43.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 1814.
Sun Guobin 孫國彬 (1996). "Nansong yuanhua lu 南宋院畫錄", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Yishu 藝術卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 832.